I am no Barbie Doll Girl and this is definitely NOT a Barbie Doll World. I mean, really! What woman is born with a "perfect" figure, never ages, never sags, never wrinkles, has a handsome man fawning over her every breath and can do, be, have anything she wants without so much as a chipped nail? Bull malarkey!
I am a real woman, in the real world. I am aging (gracefully), overweight, sagging, have A wrinkle, work my fanny off just to make ends meet, can't grow my nails without acrylic help and my man is working so hard to make life better that it mostly just passes us by.
My life is good. My marriage is STRONG. My figure is round. My friends are fantastic. My family is the bomb! That fake piece of plastic named Barbie ain't got nothing on me.
I love God, the Hubbs, my girls and grand girls and pretty much everyone unless they've given me reason "to not to." There are only a few of the latter...for a much later post. I've been married for nearly 25 years now. Sometimes it has been hard, but it has always been solid, strong, committed and monogamous. I have a handgun, I know how to use it, he stays faithful. I have two daughters who warm my heart and keep me grounded. The first of which has blessed me with two beautiful grand babies and the second of which was hard to come by, but that's also a story for a later post. I have three really good friends and am thankful the number is that high. I take I Cor 13:13 seriously, because the greatest thing in the world is LOVE. Therefore, I love almost everyone. It is not my fault some people have made themselves unlovable. Sometimes I'm too serious. I cuss. I overeat. I am strong, physically, mentally, but not emotionally. I have a temper and I cuss...did I say that already? Like a sailor! I get that from my fabulous (sarcasm) dad, who will definitely be the subject of later posts.
So, the name "Reality Barbie" came to me in a conversation with a friend who is a personal trainer. Everyone wants everyone to lose weight, eat differently and fit into this little box of looking healthy means you are healthy. But the reality is looking like Barbie does not a healthy person make. After all, she is plastic and probably contains BPA. Yuk! Barbie seemingly has the perfect life, doesn't she? Who wouldn't want to be her? Who wouldn't want to have a "Ken?" Who wouldn't want to have the biggest boobs enhanced by a tiny waist and bodacious hips? Well, I will raise my hand. I wouldn't trade my life, man, body for hers. My life is a stark contrast to hers. Isn't every one's? Oh, the numerous ways Barb and I are different. I am going to enjoy pointing out the error of that "perfect" girl's way.
My hope is that you will find humor, support, honesty and maybe realize that you are ok...no, better than ok...you are the perfect you... by reading my blog about my reality. I am REALITY Barbie.
(Grand Baby #1)