Monday, April 22, 2013

Where You Been Girl?

My follower (don't laugh, I have ONE!), is requesting an update on the happenings in Juice Land and Pitty Patty's Pumpkin Patch.  Well, there just ain't much to report.  I just figure, since Barbie's world is all made up, surely Reality Barbie can make something up to pacify her.

RJ is a picky eater.  Why would I think juicing would be any different?  But what he doesn't know....well, it is gonna help him.  Asparagus, Beets, Carrots, Kale and such are big no-no's for him.  I don't care if you added two sticks of butter or battered those suckers up and deep fired them, he will smell them out and refuse to eat them like a two year old being fed peas.  However, if you are a sneaky thing like my kids have taught me to be, you can disguise asparagus, beet, carrot and kale juice to taste like apples and oranges.  The trick...yep, I'm gonna share my secret or confess my sin, whichever you to add seven, count them, SEVEN drops of Stevia to 32oz of juice.  That boy drinks that juice, smacks his lips and asks for more.  MORE!!!  More Asparagus.  I never thought I'd hear that outta his mouth.  Actually, he doesn't know he's asking for Asparagus...that's what makes it so fun.

Our typical shake (though it varies with what groceries are in the house) consists of apples, beets, asparagus, carrots, sweet potato, grapes, spinach and if it needs it, oranges or grapefruits for disguising all of the above.  Oh, and stevia.  My sister-in-law said "You have to use greens of some kind in every shake.  Greens are important.  I mean, greens are what you need to juice.  You have to have greens.  I mean, greens are what you need to juice.  You have to add GREENS to your juice."  I think I got what she was trying to say.  Spinach anyone?  I sometimes use one or two leaves of kale (bc that's all I can stand), or swiss chard.  Is that the same thing as the greens growing out of the top of the beets?  Looks the same.  If not, I use that too...whatever it is.  Now you understand why the Stevia is such an important ingredient.  I hope RJ doesn't decide to see what I've been blogging about. :-0

Now, the garden on the other is a work not in progress.  I planted a slew of cooler weather seeds: kale, turnip greens, collards, turnips, lettuces, etc... Nothing germinated. NOTHING!  I'm guessing we didn't do something right.   It has been too wet to till it, but RJ finally got out there the other day to remove all of our rocks marking what we had planted and till.  So, I walked out there a few minutes ago and guess what I saw.  Yep, collard greens decided to come up.  Not where we planted them and only two plants.  But there they were, all perked up like they were reaching for the Heavens.  I'm guessing we will have them throughout the garden now.

Hopefully, this coming weekend will be a good one for us to finally get everything planted.  I have a plan.  Don't tell anybody.  Well, only one person follows this, so I'm pretty sure my blogged secret will be safe here.  My BFF is coming over to go to the Farmer's Market with me.  She is innocently unsuspecting of my devious plan.  But, a girl could always use some help in the garden.  So, I will cunningly rope her into helping us.  She probably won't mind because she enjoys the veggies we share with her.  But I am going to spring it on her so she doesn't have the opportunity to have "other plans."  Hey, what are BFF's for?

In closing, to my ONE follower, I use juicing to trick my husband like you trick your almost 2 year old to eat.  The garden is just a huge patch of dirt clods at the moment.  My cool weather green thumb must not have been fertilized.  AND, I am a sneaky little booger...get it from my dad, Elmer Fudd.

ba deep, ba deep, ba deep....That's All Folks!

1 comment:

  1. yay! I'm glad you posted this:) I've been waiting FOREVER for it. Plenty of others read your blog...they just don't subscribe to it. I promise!!
