Monday, March 11, 2013

Reality Barbie is on the Juice

Watch the movie "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" and you'll be on a Juice too.  We watched, we researched juicers, we ordered ours, made a trip to the grocery store and here we are, planning our 7 day juice fast...

But wait, shouldn't we take this thing for a test spin to make sure...well, you know...that we can stand to drink it.  Better yet, that we know how to use this contraption.  Why, yes, we should.

Read the directions first...skipped this step.

Use a recipe...skipped this step too.

We learned a lot from just one juicing.

Bella Juicer Pro
In my excitement, I grabbed what I thought we needed for the juice.  KP and I assembled the juicer, turned that sucker on and became juice pros (not so much).  We decided we should juice for all three of us at once.  When doing so, you must make sure you have sufficient tools to catch all of that juice.   We learn quick.
We have heard that Kale is a great base for a really healthy juice, so I put in a bunch of it...a WHOLE bunch.  I thought it was a small bunch at the grocery store.  I almost bought two just in case.  Then we added 4 tomatoes.  We stopped briefly to unstop the pulp output.  Then we continued with apples, juicing a little bit on the counter because we had moved our juice catcher...ok, it was a lot.  Next was the oranges.  We poured all of this into a huge bowl as we went because the juice  catcher wasn't big enough for all of the stuff we put through it.  Then we stirred it up, added a small amount of kosher salt and divided it into three  cups.
Ok, I'm gonna be honest.  It wasn't delicious.  But it wasn't terrible either.  Having read some of the recipes on, I realize that I went just a smidge overboard with the kale.  That small bunch we bought is now looking like a lot of kale. 
Big Green Bowl
My empty cup...forgot to take a pic of the juice
RJ "enjoying" his juice
KP and RJ both drank all of theirs and said it tasted like a salad turned into juice.  I guess that's not too bad.  I think he may have added a few grays to that beard just trying it.  I was proud of him.
This is the list of items the newbies used for the first juice...we will be more efficient from now on:
4 Tomatoes
2 Oranges
4 Apples
Sea Salt
2 Qt jars
Big Green Bowl
3 Cups
Juicer and all of it's parts
So, there is a learning curve to juicing.  I think we made most of our mistakes in the first try.  Despite that, we have decided we are starting a 7 day juice fast tomorrow.  I am looking forward to it.  I hope we do so well on it that we continue well past the 7 days.
Here's to the Juice!


  1. It was actually very refreshing. Even after working the garden for several hours I felt full and energized! I want to juice some more.

    1. Wait til you see my next post. Mmmm Mmmm Good. Jealous? LYMI!
