Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Shake it Like a Polaroid Picture

I love to look back at old pics.  I was just browsing through my computer pics today.  There are so many I would like to share.  Here are just a few...
Kim, Dr. Tom Cocklereece & I the day Kim accepted Christ.  That's in a Baptist Church, so I really can't explain the background!

Random pic that came with the computer...pretty, huh?

Kim being baptized by Pastor Tom.  Same church as the first pic.  Looks like a Baptist church here!
IDK what to say...Just Kim.

Wedding day immediately after the ceremony.  I think that is relief on their faces.  What you can't see is that it is miserably cold in this 50 degrees!

Revised caveman?

My two beautiful girls.  Makes me so happy!

RJ enjoying the reception food he worked hard to pay for.  He actually wore a tux during the wedding.  Boy, did he shed that quick.

Leah posing on Vacay in TN.  She poses a'll see...

Dollywood Vacation.  Kim wasn't behaving.

Leah posing at the fountain in Dollywood

IDK where we were, but this tells our whole sibling story!

Cherokee National Forest between Gatlinburg, TN and Cherokee, NC several years ago.  I can tell bc RJ has on that dreaded Stihl hat.  blah!

Me and the girls, same spot as above.

Camping.  That's all I've got!

Me and Dad, the Christmas before he passed.  Love this pic!

Kim, kissing on her first love!

Leah posing...what you can't see is that she is standing ON the seat of her four wheeler.

Leah and Nala (RIP) in the Georgia snow.
That's all for now.  I have work to do...see y'all later.  LYMI!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Sewers & Straight Jackets

We all have some things in our lives we just don't need and we need some things we just don't have.  Ever feel that way?
So, here's the thing.  We have this big ole hill of stinky stank going on in our lives right now.  I have been trying to make sense of it.  What I have found is that there just ain't no sense to be made.  So, I rely on my faith, read scripture and try to surround myself with good, God-loving people instead.  Mostly because that's what makes sense to me.
The Bible says the righteous should not sue one another.  It does, I promise...look it up.  It also says not to have dealings with the wicked.  (yep, look that one up too!)  Yet, sometimes we deal with the wicked and sometimes law suits are inevitable.  Sometimes, we find out the sheep was actually a wolf.  Sad, sad thang!
Y'all know I'm not a suer!  In fact, saying you're gonna sue me is akin to saying something ugly about my momma.  Don't go there, I promise!
So, here we are, right smack dab in the middle of a legal snaffu.  It ain't too much fun either, y'all.  In fact, sometimes it is down right overwhelming.
Here's where the word of God comes in again...God tells us that He will never give us too much to handle and He will always provide us with strength to get through whatever He gives us.  I believe that too, y'all.  Mostly because I know I wouldn't have made it this far into this suit without being placed in a straight jacket if it weren't for God's strength.
How far in are we, you ask?  Three years.  Yep, that's a mighty long time.  It has cost us a lot, financially, emotionally and mentally.  (I may need that straight jacket before it is done.)  At times, it has taken us to depths of despair I could never have imagined. 
Today, I read a facebook post on Joel Osteen's page that said "Don't dwell on the negative.  Program your mind with what God says about you and a transformation will take place."  I believe that too.
Our day in court is coming...soon.  I know in my heart of hearts (the blessed one, for you southern gals), that we are good, good, good people who got caught up in a mess with some other kind of people.  God promises to raise us above our enemies and to restore us.  I believe that too, y'all.  I am surely waiting, watching it and expecting. 
Turns out, I won't be needing the straight jacket after all.  I've got Jesus.  So, say whatever you want about me.  It don't mean a thang.  You can lie, call me names, defame my reputation, steal from me and try to ruin all that I have worked so hard for.  But you can't change the most important thing about me...I am who God says I am.  His.  Whom shall I fear?